Our virtual cycling program is written by our Tuesday Morning Bike Coach, Coach Peter Helling! Learn more about Coach Peter here. Be sure to watch the videos for in-depth descriptions of each workout.
4/6/2020 – Bike #1 – Developing Race Effort Capacity
Welcome BTC members to the 2020 training season!
The first cycling workout is focused on starting to build the capacity to ride at race effort. Please review the video to get a briefing on this week’s bike workout. This workout is designed as a mid week quality workout to be done in conjunction with your weekly long ride and other workouts.
Next week, we will be working on force development! More on that later.
Detailed WeekLY Workout Instructions:
Indoor riders: Smart Trainer platform workout downloads:
How to load workouts:
Outdoor riders: Safety guidance:
- Covid-19: Only ride outside if it is safe to do so. Follow all CDC & city guidelines. Do not put your health or that of others at risk for the sake of exercise.
- Helmets: Concussion is a significant risk factor for cycling. At some point, we will all fall. A proper cycling fit is key to decreasing this risk factor. Here is a video on how to fit your helmet correctly.
- Riding safely in the park: Please execute all workouts (esp these faster workouts) in the park when it is not crowded. Always pass to the right of other cyclists. Notify others by calling “on your right”, so there is adequate awareness that you are coming from behind.
- Always assume there is a faster cat: Hard to believe, but yes there is always a faster cyclist in the park with you. Always move leftward when not executing a pass to allow space for passing bikes.
- Aero only where it is safe: If you are on a TT bike. do not ride down the hill in Aero position or through the bottom corner of the park. Similarly, do not drop into Aero around Grand Army Plaza. Both areas are accident prone & have significant choke points. Your interval PR is just not worth it!
- Don’t draft in Aero: Never draft in Aero position. It is dangerous and is only done in very controlled cycling race situations like team time trails, and track events.
- Single file: Always execute BTC workouts in single file (you are a triathlete) unless you are out there doing a recovery spin. If you are side by side doing a recovery workout, always stay left, no Aero, and allow others to pass. Do not straddle lanes and stay within approximately an arm length to maximize space on the road. Never 3 side by side because it traps the center rider. That said, with Covid-19 no one should be riding side by side. By definition that is too close.
- Be polite & socially aware: The park is a shared space. How you behave reflects on the club. It can be frustrating and more so as the park is a limited recreational resource during this Covid-19 period. Please no cursing, or erratic or dangerous cycling behavior. Cyclists already have a poor reputation in the park. Perhaps unfair, but let’s not reinforce this image. Let’s show how it is done. We are a big club all wearing BTC gear and we are far from anonymous.
Ride safe! Ride strong! Coach Peter.
4/14/2020 – Bike #2 – Hills/Strength
Welcome BTC members to week #2 of the BTC cycling program.
The second cycling workout is focused on force development on the bike. Please review the video to get a briefing on this week’s bike workout. This workout is designed as a mid week quality workout to be done in conjunction with your weekly long ride and other workouts.
Next week, we will be working on V02Max development! More on that next week.
How to load workouts:
4/21/2020 – Bike #3 – V02Max Development
Welcome BTC members to week #3 of the BTC cycling program.
This weeks cycling workout is focused on V02Max development on the bike. Please review the video to get a briefing on this week’s bike workout. This workout is designed as a mid week quality workout to be done in conjunction with your weekly long ride and other workouts.
Next week, we will be working be returning to race effort development! More on that next week.
How to load workouts:
4/28/2020 – Bike #4 – Racing efforts & pedaling technique
Welcome BTC members to week #4 of the BTC cycling program.
This weeks cycling workout we return to Sweet Spot intervals on the bike. This week I’d like to place particular focus on pedaling technique. Please review the video to get a briefing on this week’s bike workout.
Note: The A & B workouts are intentionally the same this week.
This workout is designed as a mid week quality workout to be done in conjunction with your weekly long ride and other workouts.
Also, as an added bonus out takes have been added to the Video this week.
Good luck with your workout.
How to load workouts:
5/5/2020 – Bike #5 – Tempo efforts & stretching
Welcome BTC members to week #5 of the BTC cycling program.
This week’s cycling workout is a tempo ladder workout. In the video there is a major focus on stretches after workout. You can skip the stretching portion of the video and go directly to the workout description which begins at minute 14:30 & then return to the beginning of the video after your workout to stretch along with me. Or put on some stretching clothes when you watch the first time.
Good luck with your workout & don’t forget to stretch! Every time! I mean it! I’m not joking! Really! Just do it! Please!
How to load workouts: