
Our virtual runs are brought to you by our Wednesday Night Speed workout, Coach John Hirsch! Read more about Coach John here.

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Run Workout for 4/8/20

40 second sprints
intro to speed work
race warm up
vo2 max
warm up


Hello! Please check out my video HERE:  

But here is the summary:

First I want to take you through my favorite warm up for a race or run. This is ideal for getting the blood moving, working on some mobility and lastly not getting too tired if the event is long for you. After all who needs to run 2 more miles before a marathon! (Or half or full ironman!).

So it’s 3 sets x 10 reps of:

  1. punters.
  2. lateral swings.
  3. hip openers.

Then the second half of the warm up is some form work and drills. Each week we will focus on something different. This week it’s proper use of the forefoot. This is where you take off and by using it we can help avoid heel striking when you land. Do 30 seconds of the drill then 30 seconds light jog thinking of proper form. So the three drills that will get you on your toes and keep you there are:

  1. kick backs
  2. High knee aka marching band
  3. Skipping

I demonstrated these in the video as well. So please check them out. The focus here is to be mindful of using your forefoot properly.

The workout as written is:

3 x 10 of punter, lateral leg swings and hip openers.

Jog lightly 2-5 minutes.

3 x 30 seconds of kick backs, high knees, skipping with 30 seconds of light jogging between.

Light jog 2-5 minutes to bring the heart rate down to 60% of your max.

The main set of the workout is 4 x 40 seconds ALL OUT on 20 seconds rest. This is the perfect “introduction to speed work” workout so I tend to have people do it first. If you are fit and ready to rock you can add 2 minutes of light jogging and another set of 4 x 40 seconds all out with 20 seconds rest.

Cool down is 5-10 minutes light jog.

I also like this workout because it doesn’t require lot of space so you can find a side street with no one on it and not risk contact.

Alternative Workout: If it’s a recovery week, or your fitness is thin, (or if theory you were tapering, but that’s not likely since races are not yet back on) do the warm up and drills but only 1 set of 4 x 40 second and do them as a slight pick up, focusing on turn over and a higher cadence but don’t go much harder.

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